Saturday, November 3, 2007

The first blog!

in an effort to keep learning (i'm out of school now) i've been reading a lot; everything, magazines, books on finance, plays, etc. and i find myself constantly wanting to share my new found knowledge, observations, and criticisms with everyone. to keep from boring my friends, i decided to share these things here. in the words of patty griffin, my favorite,

"i don't beleive there is such a thing as saying too much,
oh no, there are those who like to look, and those who
ain't afraid to touch".

so that's what this blog will be like. no subject will be off-limits. i plan to learn from the comments of those who read this, and i hope you learn a little from me. this should be fun. i'll update every sunday.

next week i'll be sharing ways to save money during the increasingly expensive holiday season! please come back!

1 comment:

arin said...

Hi Tia!

I think your blog is fantastic. I'm putting my thinking cap on, so hopefully I can contribute something delightful & insightful to your upcoming Menstration Celebration video!
