Friday, November 16, 2007

Funny Ha-Ha

One of God's greatest gifts to us is laughter, by far! These days, I take Dempsey in my arms with a menacing grin, because I know that only the combination of gently poking his belly and several quick kisses to his cheek can inspire the beginning remnants of a chuckle. Right now this sounds more like a grunt and looks like the sweetest little toothless twitter. I love it! Who doesn't like to laugh? Studies say that we have good reason to keep doing it!  Studies have shown that laughter can help reduce stress, and there are even laughter therapies.  

So let's put more laughter into our lives!  Here are some tips to doing this:
  • Figure out what makes you laugh and do it (read it, watch it) more often
  • Surround yourself with really funny people.  
  • Hang out with kids more and ask them questions.  You're bound to chuckle at the way they see the world.
  • Let someone tickle you.  
  • Put on a pair of glasses that come with eyebrows and a nose.  (That always gets me, I'm laughing as I'm typing this)
  • Remember that time that you just could not stop laughing.
  • Use your imagination when you need a laugh at work.  (ex. what if my co-worker who's standing at the copy machine turned into a lion, or turned around and started singing opera(that might not seem funny to you because i have a stupid sense of humor, so just use your imagination))
So that said here are some of my favorite things to laugh at.  Leave a comment with some things that make you laugh!!

  1. Annie, when she shivers and her teeth chattering sounds like Italian.
  2. Ellen Degeneres
  3. Chris, when he's looking for his comb (and when he acts out traffic signs :)).
  4. Coming to America
  5. Fallyn and every roommate that I've ever had ( something about being up late in p.j.s is just funny)
  6. Anything anyone says right after I eat a good meal
  7. The Royal Tenenbaums
  8. Katie when she leaves a voice mail.
  9. My mom when she's really serious about singing "whoop there it is" or playing taboo.
  10. Bollywood movies.

MY NEW GOAL IS TO HAVE A GOOD HEARTY LAUGH EVERY DAY!!  So help me and leave a comment!

Monday, November 12, 2007

I really love the holiday season. I love baking up a bunch of stuff and shoving it all down the throats of loved ones, decorating the house in gaudy garland, and visiting family and friends, and, of course, pie. You would think that all of this would be fulfilling and rejuvenating, but it usually isn't. I ended last year in a frenzy because I ended up spending too much money on gifts, parties, travel and I was totally stressed out on January 2nd because of my financial situation. I started the year feeling guilty about the way I mistreat money. In light of this I have been anxious about this year. So I have come up with several ways to avoid ruining my life again. Here they are, I'll share them with you. If you have ways that have helped you save, please chime in!

I'll begin with 3 basic rules that I stick to all year round:

Rule #1
Embrace the B-word
Budget, that is. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve always hated the word until recently, but I found that if you’re on one, you really do save money. On my recent trip to New York I made a budget a month before, and ended up needing more money than I thought. But once I got there I didn’t have to worry about how much money I was spending because I had already made room for it. To make things easier for you, I have uploaded a holiday budget template. Just click here!

Rule #2
Use Cash (if you don't balance your checkbook like a maniac)
Even though I do have debit cards I usually carry cash. I recommend it because then you can physically set aside money for certain things and keep track of how much is in – or out- of your wallet. Just try it if you’re like me and loathe balancing your check book.

Rule #3
Don't use credit. If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it. You’ll just end up paying more money later, and also fail to see the potential of the money you do have. ( I still struggle with the latter, but I don't use credit and I have no debt. )

Bring a snack
- before you leave, pack a snack in a zip-loc bag, to avoid spending the prices in airports, or on the road avoiding fast food stops. (I recommend trail mixes and fruits, but this blog is not about staying healthy during the season, there's a great article in blueprint magazine about that if you're interested)
- Also grab bottled water.
- If you’re driving, like I am, this will also help save time. If you stop for the washroom you can stop at rest areas instead of getting off of the highway.

Download a Ticket Alert
-like Ding! On Southwest that alerts you to cheap tickets to your destination.

Shop around
not only for airline tickets, but for gas prices as well. Try a site like to find the best prices on your route. (I will definitely be waiting until I get to Indiana to fill up this Thanksgiving.)


Designate an amount to spend on each person on your list and stick to it.
-This can be easily done with the budget template that I made. But to make it really fun, come up with a random amount for each person on your list list, like $7.32, and don't go over it and don't spend any less than it. This will force you to be creative!

Make your gifts
If you're feeling crafty there are great magazines and sites that give great ideas on items you can make that people will really appreciate. Here are a couple links, but if you grab any martha stewart holiday magazine you'll find ideas that aren't noodles on a necklace:


Give what you're good at
If you love painting nails and you notice your Grandma Peggy's nails are looking a little rough, give her a manicure for Christmas. Or if you like to organize, wrap up a homemade gift certificate to reorganize your cousin's linen closet.

Give a rain check for an experiential gift
Wrap up a promise to take your girlfriend out for a special evening. It can take some financial pressure off to spread the giving out a bit. For my last birthday a good friend promised to take me to an event that was about a month away. It gave me something to look forward to, and it was such a treat to make an actual memory with her.

Shop Around Online
Try a site like or Froogle to get the best deal. And go for the sites that offer free shipping!

Buy in Bulk
Cases of wine or chocolates cost much less this way and make really good gifts.

When making your list, check it twice... to see if you're on it.
If you're like me, you always get drawn in by the holiday sales, and buy yourself something during the holidays. Be safe and put yourself on the list. You deserve it anyway!

Other Stuff:

Send postcards instead of Christmas cards (less postage)

Potluck your parties.

Make Thanksgiving leftovers go a long way by checking out this site at foodnetwork.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The first blog!

in an effort to keep learning (i'm out of school now) i've been reading a lot; everything, magazines, books on finance, plays, etc. and i find myself constantly wanting to share my new found knowledge, observations, and criticisms with everyone. to keep from boring my friends, i decided to share these things here. in the words of patty griffin, my favorite,

"i don't beleive there is such a thing as saying too much,
oh no, there are those who like to look, and those who
ain't afraid to touch".

so that's what this blog will be like. no subject will be off-limits. i plan to learn from the comments of those who read this, and i hope you learn a little from me. this should be fun. i'll update every sunday.

next week i'll be sharing ways to save money during the increasingly expensive holiday season! please come back!