Monday, October 20, 2008

some things about me...

some days i go without combing my hair.

when people flip me off while driving, i like to counter with the peace sign.

i wear make-up just about every day, mostly to remind me that everyday is a special occasion.

i am passionately against using shampoo. (well, at least not on hair).

2 out of 3 of my house plants have died a slow and painful death.

i am not ashamed of my love for real simple magazine and other magazines that stay-at-home moms enjoy. 

i like to pray in my closet

investing in laser hair removal is in my 5 year plan.

i start Christmas shopping in september.

after i get out of the shower i wrap myself in a towel and hug myself for a bit.

i am obsessively early for appointments.

i will eat avocado on anything.

i'm actually ok with the recession.  (i'll blog on that later.)

i enjoy [talking to, hanging out with] little old men. 

i unplug everything if i'm leaving for more than 12 hours.